Middle Tier of Acquisition (MTA)
AAF > MTA > Rapid Fielding Path > System Production & Fielding
System Production & Fielding
How To Use This Site
Each page in this pathway presents a wealth of curated knowledge from acquisition policies, guides, templates, training, reports, websites, case studies, and other resources. It also provides a framework for functional experts and practitioners across DoD to contribute to the collective knowledge base. This site aggregates official DoD policies, guides, references, and more.
DoD and Service policy is indicated by a BLUE vertical line.
Directly quoted material is preceeded with a link to the Reference Source.
Reference Source: Guidance from ASD(Sustainment), Jan 2020
To effectively manage supportability, the execution phase must begin with understand what is required to be delivered for a product support package to eventually transition the capability to operations. Depending on the type of capability being pursued, some Integrated Product Support (IPS) focus areas will be more relevant than others. However, the expectation should be to continually and iteratively build out increasing levels of fidelity prior to a production or fielding decision.
For efforts that have significant design freedom, focus areas may start with design interface, technical data, and sustaining engineering to reduce Total Ownership Costs. Efforts with less design freedom may focus on supply support, maintenance planning and management, and support equipment to control Total Ownership costs. As any effort progresses to either a production or fielding decision, increased fidelity on training, Product Support Integrator/ Provider roles and responsibilities will be critical for an effective transition plan. Finally, core product support package concepts that can be verified and validated should be aligned and incorporated with existing capability demonstrations to the extent necessary and feasible.
Reference Source: Guidance from ASD(Sustainment), Jan 2020
(Based on Product Support Manager Guidebook, Dec 2019)
The product support package is fielded at operational sites where sustainment and product support capabilities may be proven in an operational environment. Performance is measured against availability, reliability, and cost metrics. As testing is executed, the program identifies issues, establishes remediation plans, and executes appropriate mitigation steps. Finally, the product support organization is measured against its ability to meet planned Materiel Availability (Am), reliability, O&S Cost, and other sustainment metrics required to support the Warfighter. The following are typically among the first elements that may be implemented as part of the product support package:
- Technical data delivery.
- Support equipment requirements, unique support equipment (Organization, Intermediate, and Depot), and provisioning for common and unique support equipment.
- Spares and Packaging, Handling, Storage & Transportation (PHST) required to support fielding, funding and provisioning. The PM re-evaluates PHST and support equipment designs and design interfaces to ensure compatibility with production configuration and revalidates, by test and initial field data, the adequacy of design.
- Field service representatives, sufficient funding and training in sufficient time to support fielding.
- Interim support requirements and resources.
Planning for Operation and Support and the estimation of Total Ownership Cost shall begin as early as possible. Supportability, a key component of performance, shall be considered throughout the system life-cycle.
Reference Source: Guidance from ASD(Sustainment), Jan 2020
(Based on DAG Chapter 4- content, Jan 2020)
The PM [with the support of Product Support Managers] assesses the readiness of production processes and facilities to ramp to volume and meet the system’s end item and sustainment demands. The PM assesses how the proposed production methods may affect sustainment and identifies the sustainment risks associated with increased levels of production rate. Any sustainment risks should inform the product support package design and the program’s planning for production and deployment.
DoD Component Guidance
Note that DoD Component MTA Implementation policies and guidance are currently being updated to be consistent with the newly published DODI 5000.80 30 December 2019 (Change 1 Effective 25 Nov 2024).
Air Force
Reference Source: ASA(ALT) Middle Tier of Acquisition Policy, 20 March 2020, Enclosure 2
[Note: CAC required for access]
Program Executive Officer (PEO)/ Program Manager (PM) will use merit-based processes for the consideration of innovative technologies or existing products to meet user needs. PMs will implement the program acquisition strategy.
Additional Resources
- DAU Functional Gateway: Engineering
- DAU Functional Gateway: Production, Quality, and Manufacturing
- DAU Community of Practice: Systems Engineering
- DAU Community of Practice: Program Management
- DAU Community of Practice: Modular Open Systems Architecture
- DAU Community of Practice: Information Technology/Software
- DAU Community of Practice: Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management
- DAU Community of Practice: Test and Evaluation
- DAU Community of Practice: Data Management