Urgent Capability Acquisition (UCA)

AAF  >  Urgent Capability Acquisition  > Costs and Funding

Costs and Funding

How To Use This Site

Each page in this pathway presents a wealth of curated knowledge from acquisition policies, guides, templates, training, reports, websites, case studies, and other resources. It also provides a framework for functional experts and practitioners across DoD to contribute to the collective knowledge base. This site aggregates official DoD policies, guides, references, and more.

DoD and Service policy is indicated by a BLUE vertical line.

Directly quoted material is preceeded with a link to the Reference Source.

Cost Analysis Guidance and Procedures

Reference Source DoDI 5000.73


The Cost Analysis Guidance and Procedures instruction lists the Cost Data Reporting Requirements and when they are required.  This guidance does not specifically call out the UCA Pathway as it does other pathways; however, it may be pertinent in decisions to transition from the UCA pathway to another pathway that is specifically addressed.

Funding for Urgent Operational Needs (UONS)

Reference Resource DoDI 5000.81 Section 4.2.c.


Generally, funds will have to be reprioritized and reprogrammed to expedite the acquisition process.  If a capability can be fielded within an acceptable timeline through the normal Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution system, it would not be considered appropriate to utilize urgent capability acquisition procedures.

Funding Activities in UCA Phases

Pre-Development Initiation through Final Disposition:

Reference Resource DoDI 5000.81 Section 4.2.c.

Funding for the acquisition program may be in increments over the program life cycle.  The program life cycle begins upon pre-development initiation and ends upon completing the final disposition of the capability as described in Paragraph 4.5.e.

For Entry into Development:

Reference Resource DoDI 5000.81 Section 4.3.a.


The PM will provide [to the MDA for approval for entry into development] the acquisition strategy and program baseline to include program requirements, schedule, activities, program funding, assessment approach, and intermediate decision points and criteria as the basis for this decision. 

O&S Planning during Pre-Development:

Reference Resource DoDI 5000.81 Section 4.5.a.


Planning for O&S, including support funding, will begin during pre-development and will be documented in the acquisition strategy.

Planning for Transition to a Program of Record:

Reference Resource DoDI 5000.81 Section 4.5.e.


Transition to a Program of Record.  If the capability serves an enduring purpose, it may be transitioned to a program of record, once funded in the component’s budget. Supportability and sustainment planning for Urgent Capability Acquisition should include interim contract support and contract logistics support until the capability’s formal programmed funding is established.

Rapid Acquisition Authority (RAA)

Reference Source: DoDI 5000.81 Section 3.3.b.


A Secretary of Defense (SecDef) or DepSecDef Rapid Acquisition Authority (RAA) Determination.


(1)  RAA should be considered when, within certain limitations, a waiver of a law, policy, directive, or regulation will greatly accelerate the delivery of effective capability to the warfighter pursuant to Section 806(c) of Public Law (PL) 107-314.


(2) RAA authorizes DoD to use funds for certain higher priority requirements without undertaking a reprogramming action or with use of a transfer authority.  DoD Manual 5000.78 provides instructions on submitting RAA requests.


RAA Requests 

Reference Source:  DoD Manual 5000.78, Section 3.1

DoD Components may use the RAA when sufficient authority or resources do not exist to enable timely response to a need. RAA should be considered for the rapid acquisition and deployment of supplies and associated support services that:

(1) Are currently under development by DoD or available from the commercial sector;

(2) Require only minor modifications to supplies described in Paragraph 3.1.a.(1), or;

(3) Are developed or procured under the rapid fielding or rapid prototyping acquisition pathways under Section 804 of Public Law 114-92, as amended, and

(4) Are urgently needed to react to an enemy threat or respond to significant and urgent safety situations.


RAA requests may be initiated by any DoD Component down to combined joint task force commanders, or the first general officer/flag officer or Senior Executive Service official in the requestor’s chain of command, and forwarded directly to the Executive Director, JRAC.

There are four RAA categories. Each category has $200 million in authority at the beginning of each FY.

(1) Urgent needs to eliminate a documented deficiency that has resulted in combat casualties or is likely to result in combat casualties.

(2) Urgent needs to eliminate a documented deficiency that impacts an ongoing or anticipated contingency operation and that, if left unfulfilled, could potentially result in loss of life or critical mission failure.

(3) Urgent needs necessary to eliminate a deficiency caused by a cyber attack resulting in critical mission failure, the loss of life, property destruction, or economic effects, or if left unfilled is likely to result in critical mission failure, the loss of life, property destruction, or economic effects.

(4) Compelling national security needs requiring the immediate initiation of a project under the rapid fielding or rapid prototyping acquisition pathways in accordance with Section 804 of Public Law 114-92, as amended.

RAA Funding

Reference Source:  DoD Manual 5000.78, Section 3.2

SecDef or DepSecDef may use any funds available to the DoD for acquisition of supplies and associated support services if the determination includes a written finding that the use of such funds is necessary to address the deficiency in a timely manner. 

Upon receipt of an approved RAA request from the Executive Director, JRAC, USD(C)/CFO will initiate assistance to facilitate identification of funding.

RAA may be exercised during a continuing resolution (CR), provided that the DoD could have executed the requirement using RAA in the immediately preceding FY in which a regular (non-CR) appropriations act was passed into law.

Statutory determinations can be made for the rapid acquisition and deployment of needs or to fund and immediately initiate a project under the rapid fielding or rapid prototyping acquisition pathways. Section 806 of Public Law 107-314 allows the DoD to use all categories of DoD appropriations available for acquisitions of supplies and associated support services. However, such determinations must include a written finding that the use of such funds is necessary to address the deficiency in a timely manner.

Additional fiscal characteristics:

    • RAA conditionally expands the purposes for which such appropriations may be used
    • RAA authorizes DoD to use funds for certain higher priority requirements without undertaking a reprogramming action or with use of a transfer authority
    • All other characteristics of the source appropriation used for the RAA requirement, including its period of availability and the amount available in such appropriation, remain unchanged
    • An RAA expands the permissible purposes for which an appropriation may be used, but does not transform the type of the appropriation charged

Funding identified as a source for an RAA action must have been originally appropriated for the acquisition of supplies and associated support services. DoD’s O&M, procurement, or research, development, testing, and evaluation appropriations satisfy this criterion.


RAA Responsibilities


Reference Source: DoDI 5000.81 Section 2.3

Specific funding responsibilities extracted from policy.



USD(C)/CFO is responsible to:


  • Assess DoD Component funding strategies to support urgent operational needs (UONs) and other quick reaction capabilities.
  • Recommend current execution year offsets, as necessary.

Executive Director, Joint Rapid Acquisition Cell (JRAC)

Reference Source: DoDI 5000.81 Section 2.2

Specific funding responsibilities extracted from policy.



Executive Director, Joint Rapid Acquisition Cell (JRAC) is responsible to:


  • Assist in the resolution of funding issues, as required.
  • Inform the Warfighter SIG of the status of funding.



DoD Component Heads

Reference Source: DoDI 5000.81 Section 2.7

Specific funding responsibilities extracted from policy.


DOD COMPONENT HEADS are responsible to:

  • Use all available authorities to quickly fund capability solutions.
  • Identify  and recommend potential offsets to fund urgent capability acquisition activities for a current execution year and subsequent years, as required.
  • Participate in funding discussions between the Executive Director, JRAC, and the USD(C)/CFO.


Reference Source:  DoD Manual 5000.78, Section 2

In addition to responsibilities regarding funding above on this page, DoD Manual 5000.78, Rapid Acquisition Authority, (RAA), lists responsibilities  specific to this authority.

Reprogramming Process for JUONs/JEONs


Reference Source: OUSD Comptroller Memo: Reprogramming Process for Joint Urgent Operational Needs and Joint Emergent    Operational Needs, 24 Sep 2013  

Working with appropriate DoD Components, the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) (USD (C)) will, upon receipt of a JUON or JEON request approved by the Joint Staff, promptly initiate the identification of funding sources for approved UONs by taking the following actions:

1) request the DoD Component identified as the sponsor by the JRAC to fund the requirement or justify why it is unable to fund the requirement; or

2) if necessary, identif yand use any known excess funds; or

3) if necessary, identify potential excess funds through review of current execution.

The USD (C) will exhaust all options to identify resources in support of approved UON requirements. Once a funding source is identified, the reprogramming request will be prioritized over other acquisition reprogramming actions, processed expeditiously, and where necessary submitted to Congress for action.

Industrial Base Fund (Relative to UONs)

 Reference Source: 10 USC §2508


10 USC §2508. Industrial Base Fund

(a) Establishment.-The Secretary of Defense shall establish an Industrial Base Fund (in this section referred to as the “Fund”).

(b) Control of Fund.-The Fund shall be under the control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, acting through the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy.

(c) Amounts in Fund.-The Fund shall consist of amounts appropriated or otherwise made available to the Fund.

(d) Use of Fund.-Subject to subsection (e), the Fund shall be used-

(1) to support the monitoring and assessment of the industrial base required by this chapter;

  (2) to address critical issues in the industrial base relating to urgent operational needs;

(3) to support efforts to expand the industrial base; and

(4) to address supply chain vulnerabilities.

(e) Use of Fund Subject to Appropriations.-The authority of the Secretary of Defense to use the Fund under this section in any fiscal year is subject to the availability of appropriations for that purpose.

(f) Expenditures.-The Secretary shall establish procedures for expending monies in the Fund in support of the uses identified in subsection (d), including the following:

(1) Direct obligations from the Fund.

(2) Transfers of monies from the Fund to relevant appropriations of the Department of Defense.

(Added Pub. L. 111–383, div. A, title VIII, §896(b)(1), Jan. 7, 2011, 124 Stat. 4315 ; amended Pub. L. 115–91, div. A, title X, §1081(g)(1), Dec. 12, 2017, 131 Stat. 1601 ; Pub. L. 116–92, div. A, title IX, §902(75), Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 1552 .)