Urgent Capability Acquisition (UCA)

AAF  >  Urgent Capability Acquisition  >  JUON/JEON Format


How To Use This Site

Each page in this pathway presents a wealth of curated knowledge from acquisition policies, guides, templates, training, reports, websites, case studies, and other resources. It also provides a framework for functional experts and practitioners across DoD to contribute to the collective knowledge base. This site aggregates official DoD policies, guides, references, and more.

DoD and Service policy is indicated by a BLUE vertical line.

Directly quoted material is preceeded with a link to the Reference Source.

Request for Urgent Need

The Services have their own processes and forms on which to submit urgent needs. In the JCIDS manual, Joint Staff has an example (shown below)  that provides what information they need to validate a JUON or JEON. It is a relatively brief format that asks a series of pertinent questions. The submitter’s answers will assist the requirements and acquisition communities in understanding the threat and begin identifying solutions.

DAU briefing chart for JUON/JEON format.