Contracting Cone

Broad Agency Announcement (FAR 35.016)

Broad Agency Announcements (BAAs) are used to obtain proposals for basic and applied research and development to advance or evaluate cutting edge technologies, not related to a specific system or hardware requirement. BAAs should be used when meaningful solutions can be expected. BAAs are typically “open” and proposals are accepted for a specified period of time. Proposals submitted in response to BAAs may or may not lead to contracts.

BAAs may be used for the award of science and technology proposals for the following: 

  • Basic research (budget activity 6.1)
  • Applied research (budget activity 6.2)
  • Advanced technology development (budget activity 6.3)
  • Advanced component development and prototypes (budget activity 6.4)

BAAs may be used to award FAR-based contracts or non-FAR based agreements.

Class Deviation 2022-O0005 Pilot Program for Streamlining Awards for Innovative Technology Projects expands the exceptions to certified cost or pricing data requirements at FAR 15.403-1(b) to include contracts, subcontracts, or modifications of contracts or subcontracts valued at less than $7.5 million awarded to a small business concern or nontraditional defense contractor pursuant to:

In addition, contracts, subcontracts, and modifications of contracts or subcontracts valued at less than $7.5 million awarded to a small business concern or non-traditional defense contractor pursuant to a technical, merit-based selection procedure or the SBIR Program are exempt from the requirements for audit and records examination under the clause at FAR 52.215-2, Audit and Records—Negotiations. This exemption is not extended to covered contracts, subcontracts, or modifications under the STTR Program.

Common Applications

  • Research & Development (R&D) studies
  • Prototypes
  • Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) efforts
  • Science & Technology (S&T) initiatives
  • Technology maturation





Increases knowledge in areas of strategic importance and technical capability to programs Limitations on use of BAAs increases burden on government to transition capability to acquisition programs
Streamlined evaluation process based on technical merit increases flexibility to select innovative capability solutions Intellectual property and data rights increases burden on government to ensure rights are explicit during transition to acquisition programs
Cannot acquire products in quantity


  • Limited to basic and applied research
  • Must be funded using RDT&E funds
  • Cannot be used for specific system or hardware solution
  • Cannot be used for systems engineering and advisory services
  • Cannot be used for production
